Book Cover

Nukhbat al-Fikr

Author: Imam Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani

Translator: Moulana Hafiz Mufti Saeed Ahmed Palanpuri

Description: The classic work on Usool al-Hadith by the al-Hafidh Ibn Hajr al-Asqalani. An essential title for anyone serisously interested in learning about Hadith, their chains of tranmission, narrators, and classfications. There are very few works in the English language on the subject of Usoolul Hadeeth. The average Muslim may not have the slightest idea of its subject matter and importance. If one just takes a look at the table of contents, one will find no more than a handful of English words despite this being an ‘English translation’. This is because the science of Usool deals specifically with the terminologies of the Muhadditheen. We have not translated these terminologies into English since their usage is specific with the Arabic Term. In the Ahadeeth class, the words Sanad and Matan will be heard daily. We have maintained these as far as possible and not used the English equivalents of ‘Chain of Narration’ and ‘Text’. We have called a Mash-hoor Hadeeth, a Mash-hoor Hadeeth and not a ‘famous’ Hadeeth. Wherever we deemed necessary, we added English translations in brackets but have not followed any fixed pattern in doing so.